The Patience and Highmore project on the High Street, Selkirk for Eildon Housing Association picks up the “Small Affordable Housing Development of the Year (social rent)” award at the Scottish Home Awards 2019 last night.
The Patience and Highmore project on the High Street, Selkirk for Eildon Housing Association picks up the “Small Affordable Housing Development of the Year (social rent)” award at the Scottish Home Awards 2019 last night.
Our transformation of a former morgue building to a new Paediatric Suite is taking shape….
Patience and Highmore Architects are delighted that our Thomas Telford Parliamentary Church Conversion project has been shortlisted as one of 5 projects to receive a Special Mention at this year’s RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Awards.
Our RIAS award plaque for Berneray has arrived.
Some press articles following last weeks RIAS Awards:
BBC website article –
e-architect –
bdonline –
Our Thomas Telford Church Conversion project has been announced as an award winner in the RIAS Awards 2013
Patience and Highmore Architects will be attending the RIAS Awards Dinner this week. Our Thomas Telford Church Conversion project on Berneray is one of 25 projects in Scotland that have been shortlisted for an award.
Patience and Highmore’s major regeneration project at Moredun and Hyvots, Edinburgh has been shortlisted in the 2013 Homes for Scotland awards in the “Best Partnership in Affordable Housing Delivery” category.