We are pleased to announce that our Medical Centre project at Ormiston has been selected as a regional finalist in the 2015 Civic Trust Awards.
Tag Archives: ormiston medical centre
30.06.14 Ormiston Medical Centreenergy performance figures available.
Our just completed Medical Centre at Ormiston has achieved an “A” rating for energy performance and a “Silver Active” rating for Sustainability.
27.05.14: Ormiston Medical Centre Progress
Sunny days, foundation going in for scuplture and our first biomass boiler installation..
09.05.14: Ormiston Medical Centre Progress
Finishing works are ongoing, sun showing rooflight to good effect…
28.03.14: Ormiston Medical Centre Progress
The scaffold is down and the interior is progressing…
07.01.14: Ormiston Medical Centre Progress
More rain and mud but it’s not far off being wind and watertight….
15.11.13: Ormiston Medical Centre Progress
it’s taking shape….roof insulation underway….
25.10.13 : Progress at Ormiston
It’s raining but the kit is up to wallplate level….